Source code for mira.modeling.viz

"""Visualization of transition models."""

import itertools as itt
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import pygraphviz as pgv

from mira.metamodel import TemplateModel
from . import Model

__all__ = [

[docs]class GraphicalModel: """Create a graphical representation of a transition model.""" def __init__(self, model: Model): self.graph = pgv.AGraph( strict=True, directed=True, ) for variable in model.variables.values(): identifiers ='identifiers') contexts ='context') if variable.concept.display_name: name = variable.concept.display_name else: name ='name', str(variable.key)) if not identifiers and not contexts: label = name shape = "oval" else: cc = " | ".join(f"{{{k} | {v}}}" for k, v in itt.chain(identifiers, contexts)) label = f"{{{name} | {cc}}}" shape = "record" self.graph.add_node( variable.key, label=label, shape=shape, ) for i, (_k, transition) in enumerate(model.transitions.items()): if transition.consumed and transition.produced: color = "blue" elif transition.consumed and not transition.produced: color = "red" elif transition.produced and not transition.consumed: color = "orange" else: color = "black" key = f"T{i}" self.graph.add_node( key, shape="square", color=color, style="filled", # fontsize=10, fillcolor=color, label="", fixedsize="true", width=0.2, height=0.2, ) for consumed in transition.consumed: self.graph.add_edge( consumed.key, key, ) for produced in transition.produced: self.graph.add_edge( key, produced.key, ) for controller in transition.control: self.graph.add_edge( controller.key, key, color="blue", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_template_model(cls, template_model: TemplateModel) -> "GraphicalModel": """Get a graphical model from a template model.""" return cls(Model(template_model))
[docs] def write( self, path: Union[str, Path], prog: str = "dot", args: str = "", format: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Write the graphical representation to a file. Parameters ---------- path : The path to the output file prog : The graphviz layout program to use, such as "dot", "neato", etc. format : Set the file format explicitly args : Additional arguments to pass to the graphviz bash program """ path = Path(path).expanduser().resolve() self.graph.draw(path, format=format, prog=prog, args=args)
[docs] @classmethod def for_jupyter(cls, template_model, name="model.png", **kwargs): """Display in jupyter.""" from IPython.display import Image GraphicalModel.from_template_model(template_model).write(name) return Image(name, **kwargs)
def _main(): from mira.examples.nabi2021 import nabi2021 from mira.examples.sir import sir, sir_2_city from mira.examples.jin2022 import seird_stratified from mira.examples.chime import sviivr gm = GraphicalModel.from_template_model(sir) gm.write("~/Desktop/sir_example.png") gm = GraphicalModel.from_template_model(sir_2_city) gm.write("~/Desktop/sir_2_city_example.png") GraphicalModel.from_template_model(nabi2021).write("~/Desktop/nabi2021.png") gm = GraphicalModel.from_template_model(seird_stratified) gm.write("~/Desktop/seird_stratified.png") gm = GraphicalModel.from_template_model(sviivr) gm.write("~/Desktop/sviivr.png") if __name__ == "__main__": _main()