Source code for mira.modeling.amr.stockflow

"""This module implements parsing Stock and Flow models defined in

__all__ = ["AMRStockFlowModel", "template_model_to_stockflow_json"]

import sympy
from mira.modeling import Model
from mira.metamodel import *
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AMRStockFlowModel: """A class representing a Stock and Flow Model""" SCHEMA_VERSION = "0.1" SCHEMA_URL = ( f"" f"stockflow_v{SCHEMA_VERSION}/stockflow/stockflow_schema.json" ) def __init__(self, model: Model): """Instantiate a stock and flow model from a generic transition model. Parameters ---------- model: The pre-compiled transition model """ = {} self.stocks = [] self.flows = [] self.links = [] self.observables = [] self.initials = [] self.parameters = [] self.auxiliaries = [] self.time = None self.metadata = {} self.model_name = 'SIR Model' # Mapping of auxiliary variables to be substituted in flow rate law expressions auxiliary_mapping = {} if model.template_model.annotations and \ self.model_name = self.model_description = self.model_name if model.template_model.annotations and \ model.template_model.annotations.description: self.model_description = \ model.template_model.annotations.description if model.template_model.time: self.time = {'id':} if model.template_model.time.units: self.time['units'] = { 'expression': str(model.template_model.time.units.expression), 'expression_mathml': expression_to_mathml( model.template_model.time.units.expression.args[0]), } else: self.time = None vmap = {} for key, var in model.variables.items(): vmap[key] = name = or str(key) display_name = var.concept.display_name or name stocks_dict = { 'id': name, 'name': display_name, 'grounding': { 'identifiers': {k: v for k, v in var.concept.identifiers.items() if k != 'biomodels.species'}, 'modifiers': var.concept.context, }, } if var.concept.units: stocks_dict['units'] = { 'expression': str(var.concept.units.expression), 'expression_mathml': expression_to_mathml( var.concept.units.expression.args[0] ), } self.stocks.append(stocks_dict) initial ='expression') if initial is not None: initial_data = { 'target': name, 'expression': str(initial), 'expression_mathml': expression_to_mathml(initial) } self.initials.append(initial_data) for key, observable in model.observables.items(): display_name = observable.observable.display_name \ if observable.observable.display_name \ else obs_data = { 'id':, 'name': display_name, 'expression': str(observable.observable.expression), 'expression_mathml': expression_to_mathml( observable.observable.expression.args[0]), } self.observables.append(obs_data) for key, param in model.parameters.items(): if param.placeholder: continue # test to see if parameter is present in any of the rate laws used_parameter_flag = False for flow in model.transitions.values(): if flow.template.rate_law is None: continue if sympy.Symbol(key) in flow.template.rate_law.free_symbols: used_parameter_flag = True break # If the parameter is not a base level model parameter and is present within a flow rate expression if not key.startswith('p_') and used_parameter_flag: auxiliary_dict = {'id': key} auxiliary_dict['name'] = key expression = sympy.Symbol(key) auxiliary_dict['expression'] = key auxiliary_dict['expression_mathml'] = expression_to_mathml(expression) auxiliary_mapping[key] = key self.auxiliaries.append(auxiliary_dict) elif key.startswith('p_'): auxiliary_dict = {'id': key[2:]} auxiliary_dict['name'] = key[2:] expression = sympy.Symbol(key) auxiliary_dict['expression'] = str(expression) auxiliary_dict['expression_mathml'] = expression_to_mathml(expression) auxiliary_mapping[key] = key[2:] self.auxiliaries.append(auxiliary_dict) # Add parameter to list of model parameters regardless if it's added to list of auxiliaries param_dict = {'id': key} if param.display_name: param_dict['name'] = param.display_name if param.description: param_dict['description'] = param.description if param.value is not None: param_dict['value'] = param.value param_dict['value'] = param.value if not param.distribution: pass elif param.distribution.type is None: logger.warning("can not add distribution without type: %s", param.distribution) else: param_dict['distribution'] = { 'type': param.distribution.type, 'parameters': param.distribution.parameters, } if param.concept and param.concept.units: param_dict['units'] = { 'expression': str(param.concept.units.expression), 'expression_mathml': expression_to_mathml( param.concept.units.expression.args[0]), } self.parameters.append(param_dict) link_id = 1 for idx, flow in enumerate(model.transitions.values()): fid = \ if else f"t{idx + 1}" flow_dict = {"id": fid} flow_dict['name'] = flow.template.display_name flow_dict['upstream_stock'] = flow.consumed[0] if flow.consumed else None flow_dict['downstream_stock'] = flow.produced[0] if flow.produced else None if flow.template.rate_law: rate_law = flow.template.rate_law.args[0] formatted_rate_law = format_rate_law(rate_law, auxiliary_mapping) flow_dict['rate_expression'] = str(formatted_rate_law) flow_dict['rate_expression_mathml'] = expression_to_mathml(formatted_rate_law) self.flows.append(flow_dict) if flow.template.rate_law is not None: for symbol in flow.template.rate_law.free_symbols: link_dict = {'id': f'link{link_id}'} str_symbol = str(symbol) link_dict['source'] = str_symbol link_dict['target'] = fid link_id += 1 self.links.append(link_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self): """Return a JSON dict structure of the Stock and Flow model.""" return { 'header': { 'name': self.model_name, 'schema': self.SCHEMA_URL, 'description': self.model_description, 'schema_name': 'stockflow', 'model_version': '0.1', }, 'properties':, 'model': { 'flows': self.flows, 'stocks': self.stocks, 'auxiliaries': self.auxiliaries, 'observables': self.observables, 'links': self.links }, 'semantics': {'ode': { 'parameters': self.parameters, 'initials': self.initials, 'time': self.time if self.time else {'id': 't'} }}, 'metadata': self.metadata, }
def format_rate_law(rate_law, auxiliary_mapping) -> sympy.Expr: for old_symbol_str, aux_symbol_str in auxiliary_mapping.items(): rate_law = rate_law.subs(sympy.Symbol(old_symbol_str), sympy.Symbol(aux_symbol_str)) return rate_law
[docs]def template_model_to_stockflow_json(tm: TemplateModel): """Convert a template model to a Stock and Flow JSON dict. Parameters ---------- tm : The template model to convert. Returns ------- : JSON A JSON dict representing the Stock and Flow model. """ return AMRStockFlowModel(Model(tm)).to_json()