Source code for mira.metamodel.utils

__all__ = ['get_parseable_expression', 'revert_parseable_expression',
           'safe_parse_expr', 'SympyExprStr', 'sanity_check_tm']

import sympy
import re
import unicodedata

[docs]def get_parseable_expression(s: str) -> str: """Return an expression that can be parsed using sympy.""" # Handle lambda which cannot be parsed by sympy s = s.replace('lambda', 'XXlambdaXX') # Handle dots which also cannot be parsed s = re.sub(r'\.(?=\D)', 'XX_XX', s) # Handle superscripts which are not allowed in sympy s = re.sub(r"\^{(.*?)}", r"XXCXX{_\1}", s) # Handle curly braces which are not allowed in sympy s = s.replace('{', 'XXCBO').replace('}', 'XXCBC') s = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', s) return s
[docs]def revert_parseable_expression(s: str) -> str: """Return an expression to its original form.""" s = s.replace('XXCXX', '^') s = s.replace('XXCBO', '{').replace('XXCBC', '}') s = s.replace('XX_XX', '.') s = s.replace('XXlambdaXX', 'lambda') return s
[docs]def safe_parse_expr(s: str, local_dict=None) -> sympy.Expr: """Parse an expression that may contain lambda functions.""" return sympy.parse_expr(get_parseable_expression(s), local_dict={get_parseable_expression(k): v for k, v in local_dict.items()} if local_dict else None)
[docs]class SympyExprStr(sympy.Expr): @classmethod def __get_validators__(cls): yield cls.validate @classmethod def validate(cls, v): if isinstance(v, cls): return v elif isinstance(v, float): return cls(sympy.Float(v)) elif isinstance(v, int): return cls(sympy.Integer(v)) return cls(v) @classmethod def __modify_schema__(cls, field_schema): field_schema.update(type="string", example="2*x") def __str__(self): return super().__str__()[len(self.__class__.__name__)+1:-1] def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]def sanity_check_tm(tm): """Apply a short sanity check to a template model.""" assert tm.templates all_concept_names = set(tm.get_concepts_name_map()) all_parameter_names = set(tm.parameters) all_symbols = all_concept_names | all_parameter_names | ({} if tm.time else set()) for template in tm.templates: assert template.rate_law symbols = template.rate_law.args[0].free_symbols for symbol in symbols: assert in all_symbols, f"missing symbol: {}" all_initial_names = { for init in tm.initials.values()} for concept in all_concept_names: assert concept in all_initial_names