Source code for mira.metamodel.schema

"""Rebuild with ``python -m mira.metamodel.schema``."""

__all__ = ["get_json_schema", "SCHEMA_PATH"]

import json
from pathlib import Path

import pydantic
from pydantic import BaseModel

from . import Concept, Template, TemplateModel

HERE = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
SCHEMA_PATH = HERE.joinpath("schema.json")

[docs]def get_json_schema(): """Get the JSON schema for MIRA. Returns ------- : JSON The JSON schema for MIRA. """ rv = { "$schema": "", "$id": "", } rv.update( pydantic.schema.schema( [ Concept, Template, *Template.__subclasses__(), TemplateModel, ], title="MIRA Metamodel Template Schema", description="MIRA metamodel templates give a high-level abstraction of modeling appropriate for many domains.", ) ) return rv
def _encoder(x): if isinstance(x, BaseModel): return x.dict() return x def main(): """Generate the JSON schema file.""" schema = get_json_schema() SCHEMA_PATH.write_text(json.dumps(schema, indent=2, default=_encoder)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()