Source code for mira.dkg.units

from textwrap import dedent
from typing import List, Mapping, Any
import logging
import requests
from .resources import get_resource_path

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Wikidata SPARQL endpoint. See

SPARQL = dedent("""\
        ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?itemAltLabel
        (group_concat(?umuc ;separator="|") as ?umucs)
        (group_concat(?uo ;separator="|") as ?uos)
        (group_concat(?qudt ;separator="|") as ?qudts)
      ?item wdt:P7825 ?umuc .
      OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P8769 ?uo }
      OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P2968 ?qudt }
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en-us, en". } # Helps get the label in your language, if not, then en language
    GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?itemAltLabel

[docs]def query_wikidata(sparql: str) -> List[Mapping[str, Any]]: """Query Wikidata's sparql service. Parameters ---------- sparql : A SPARQL query string Returns ------- : A list of bindings """ logger.debug("running query: %s", sparql) res = requests.get(WIKIDATA_ENDPOINT, params={"query": sparql, "format": "json"}) res.raise_for_status() res_json = res.json() return res_json["results"]["bindings"]
[docs]def get_unit_terms(): """Get tuples for each unit.""" records = query_wikidata(SPARQL) rv = [] for record in records: label = record["itemLabel"]["value"].strip() if not label: continue if "per " in label or "square " in label or "cubic " in label or "(" in label: # skip derived units continue xrefs = [] for prefix in [ # "umuc", "qudt", ]: value = record.get(prefix) if value: for svalue in value['value'].split("|"): xrefs.append(f"{prefix}:{svalue}") try: description = record["itemDescription"]["value"] except KeyError: description = "" synonyms = [ synonym.strip() for synonym in (record.get("itemAltLabel", {}).get("value") or "").split(",") if synonym.strip() ] label_norm = label.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_").replace("'", "").lower() if label_norm != label: synonyms.append(label) label = label_norm rv.append(( record["item"]["value"][len(""):], label, description, synonyms, xrefs, )) return rv
[docs]def update_unit_names_resource(): """Update a resource file with all unit names.""" path = get_resource_path("unit_names.tsv") unit_names = sorted([unit_row[1] for unit_row in get_unit_terms()]) with open(path, "w") as file: file.write("\n".join(unit_names))
if __name__ == '__main__': update_unit_names_resource()