Source code for mira.dkg.construct_registry

"""Constants for the MIRA Metaregistry."""

import csv
import gzip
import itertools as itt
import json
from collections import ChainMap
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Set

import bioregistry
import click
from bioregistry import Manager
from tqdm import tqdm

from mira.dkg.construct import METAREGISTRY_PATH, upload_s3, UseCasePaths
from mira.dkg.models import Config

HERE = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
EPI_CONF_PATH = HERE.joinpath("metaregistry", "epi.json")

    "0000007",  # publishing
    "0000008",  # ASKEM custom list, see

EPI_USE_CASE = UseCasePaths("epi")

[docs]def get_prefixes( *, nodes_path: Optional[Path] = None, edges_path: Optional[Path] = None ) -> Set[str]: """Get the prefixes to use for the slim.""" bioregistry_prefixes = { resource.prefix for resource in bioregistry.resources() if "bioregistry" in resource.prefix } collection_prefixes = { prefix for collection_id in COLLECTIONS for prefix in bioregistry.get_collection(collection_id).resources } return set( itt.chain( get_dkg_prefixes(nodes_path=nodes_path, edges_path=edges_path), bioregistry_prefixes, collection_prefixes, ) )
def get_dkg_prefixes( nodes_path: Optional[Path] = None, edges_path: Optional[Path] = None ) -> Set[str]: prefixes: Set[str] = set() with or NODES_PATH, "rt") as file: reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter="\t") _header = next(reader) it = tqdm(reader, unit="node", unit_scale=True) for ( curie, _label, _name, _synoynms, _obsolete, _type, _description, xrefs, _alts, _version, _property_predicates, _property_values, _xref_types, _synonym_types, _sources, ) in it: if not curie or curie.startswith("_:geni"): continue prefix, identifier = curie.split(":", 1) prefixes.add(prefix) for xref in xrefs.split(";"): if xref: prefixes.add(xref.split(":", 1)[0]) with or EDGES_PATH, "rt") as file: reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter="\t") _header = next(reader) it = tqdm(reader, unit="edge", unit_scale=True) for s, o, _type, p, _source, _graph, _version in it: if s.startswith("http"): continue # skip unnormalized return prefixes @click.command() @click.option("--config-path", type=Path, default=EPI_CONF_PATH) @click.option("--output-path", type=Path, default=METAREGISTRY_PATH) @click.option("--nodes-path", type=Path, default=NODES_PATH) @click.option("--edges-path", type=Path, default=EDGES_PATH) @click.option("--upload", is_flag=True) def main(config_path, output_path, nodes_path, edges_path, upload: bool): _construct_registry( config_path=config_path, output_path=output_path, nodes_path=nodes_path, edges_path=edges_path, upload=upload, ) def _construct_registry( *, config_path: Path, output_path: Path, nodes_path: Optional[Path] = None, edges_path: Optional[Path] = None, upload: bool = False, ): config = Config.parse_file(config_path) prefixes = get_prefixes(nodes_path=nodes_path, edges_path=edges_path) manager = Manager( registry=ChainMap( dict(config.registry), { resource.prefix: resource for resource in bioregistry.resources() if resource.prefix in prefixes }, ) ) new_config = Config( web=config.web, registry=manager._rasterized_registry(), collections=config.collections, ) output_path.write_text( json.dumps(new_config.dict(exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=True), indent=2) ) if upload: upload_s3(output_path, use_case="epi") if __name__ == "__main__": main()